two-channel video

two-channel video

two-channel video

two-channel video, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Philadelphia, PA

two-channel video installation, Bard MFA Thesis Exhibition, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

performance score

performance with Casey Cook, Branch Outpost, Durham, NC

performance with Moses Archuleta, Saltworks, Atlanta, GA

performance with Nicolas Santore, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Philadelphia, PA

performance with John Bowman, Gatewood Gallery, UNC Greensboro, Grennsboro, NC

performance with Sara Magenheimer, Bard MFA, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

two-channel video
two-channel video
two-channel video
two-channel video, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Philadelphia, PA
two-channel video installation, Bard MFA Thesis Exhibition, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
performance score
performance with Casey Cook, Branch Outpost, Durham, NC
performance with Moses Archuleta, Saltworks, Atlanta, GA
performance with Nicolas Santore, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Philadelphia, PA
performance with John Bowman, Gatewood Gallery, UNC Greensboro, Grennsboro, NC
performance with Sara Magenheimer, Bard MFA, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY